
I don't have a Menorah for Chanukah

I don't have a Menorah for Chanukah

Living in nature is living with the beauty around you 24/7. Living on an island has its own uniqueness and appeal, as a destination for vacation and relaxation, a no worries time period.                              Living in Hawaii is considered living in paradise (however, people forget that even in paradise one must work like anyone else).And yet, it is the home of the active volcano where Goddess Pele spouts her lava to the ocean, where you can see and feel creation happens. Here I am, an Israeli Jewish girl that arrived over...

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Thanksgiving - Attention Needed

Thanksgiving - Attention Needed

Happy Thanksgiving! A holiday dedicated to eating turkey, mashed potatoes, and other goodies. Followed by a totally material day of shopping. I assume it's the day when business owners thank their customers with great sale discounts. Surfing the web, learning about the history of Thanksgiving, two things really struck. The first is the story of “Mother of Thanksgiving”. In 1827 in New York, the noted magazine editor and prolific writer Sarah Josepha Hale, launched a campaign to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday. For 36 years she published numerous editorials, sent letters to the governors, senators, presidents and other politicians...

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Is there such as thing as Rosh Hashanah Seder?

Is there such as thing as Rosh Hashanah Seder?

There are three Seder ceremonies during the year. One that I knew about, one that I celebrated and didn’t know I actually did, and once I learned as an adult. Passover Seder is the one we all celebrate, Tu B’shavat seder (Birthday of the trees), and Rosh Hashanah. That was the one I discovered and celebrated, but never knew it was actually a Seder. Since we are gearing towards the High Holidays I’ll share the latter. If you are like me growing up celebrating Passover Seder wasn’t the most fun ceremony in the world. It took forever just to get...

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Is Mr. Silver Lining here?

Is Mr. Silver Lining here?

I am seeking and I think I got some of it- some of the Silver Lining.I truly didn’t believe that COVID-19 would become a mega invader in our lives. And when I say our lives, I mean globally. We can’t deny that as people we are quite arrogant. We believe we can fix and solve everything. However, we also agree that life and the different phenomena don’t really ask us when, how, where would it be a convenient time to have a flood, fire, plague, earthquake.etc.Every time it’s a total surprise and a shock that startle us. Even when we...

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My first word - Parochet

My first word - Parochet

Would you agree that there are things in life you never question, and just taking them for granted? It took me about 30 years to think about that specific word, which I have heard and used many times.  As you probably know by now I love letters, especially Hebrew letters, and when I stopped and thought about that word... I was stomped. And it happened only because Stuart Novick, the writer for Temple Emanuel in Honolulu, asked to interview me about the Parochet I created for their Temple about 30 years ago. Parochet is that word. I made a Parochet for Temple Emanuel...

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It's Not Only White

It's Not Only White

                                                                           Tree of Life by Sharona Lomberg I remember the first time I was introduced to painting- painting on silk. It was an intimidating experience. I was gifted a course in silk painting. When I went to one of the stations designated for the students, I saw a beautiful white and shimmering silk fabric stretched tight to a frame. It was so tight, I could probably jump...

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